Paling Sering Diintip

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Lirik + Terjemahan Lagu LILY-nya Alan Walker sedulur

Lily was a little girl
Lily, si gadis kecil
Afraid of the big, wide world
Yang takut keramaian
She grew up within her castle walls
Dia hidup dalam tembok kastil

Now and then she tried to run
Sekarang dia coba-coba kabur
And then on the night with the setting sun
Maghrib-maghrib pas matahari tenggelam
She went in the woods away
Dia masuk hutan
So afraid, all alone
Soak, sendirian

They warned her, don't go there
Warga ngelarangnya, Jangan masuk hutan
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark
Banyak silumanbersemayam
Then something came creeping
Bener aja ada yang ngerayap
It told her, don't you worry just
Si siluman bilang, gak usah takut

Follow everywhere I go
Ikut Ane yuk
Top of all the mountains or valley low
Ke puncak gunung ato ke lembah dalam
Give you everything you've been dreaming of
Ane kasih deh apa yang selama ini kamu mau
Just let me in, ooh
Asal izinin Ane ngerasukin kamu, ooh

Everything you're wanting gonna be the magic story you've been told
Semua yang kamu mau bakal jadi dongeng ajaib paling yahud
And you'll be safe under my control
Dijamin aman dah
Just let me in, ooh
Asal izinin Ane ngerasukin kamu, ooh
Just let me in, ooh
Asal izinin Ane ngerasukin kamu, ooh

She knew she was hypnotized
Dia tau dia kehipnotis
And walking on cold thin ice
Keluyuran di atas es tipis
Then it broke, and she awoke again
Esnya ambrol, dia sadar lagi

Then she ran faster then
Lily lari kocar-kacir
Start screaming, is there someone out there?
Teriak-teriak, ada orang gak ?
Please help me
Tolongin dong
Come get me
Bantuin aku
Behind her, she can hear it say
Di belakang, dia bisa denger ocehan si siluman

- Balik lagi -

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